Friday, January 16, 2009

Wafer and Shuzo Uemoto

From: "Shuzo Uemoto"
To: "Gary Regester"
Subject: Bhutan
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 02:07:28 -0700

Dear Gary,

Thanks for sharing your pics. Looks like you had a wonderful time walking in Spain. It was a good year for me in this "nutty" world. I did some hiking in Bhutan to some temples to photograph objects with all my studio gear on pack horses. A small adventure for a city boy. I'm attached some pics for you. One was shot at Wandü Dzong and the other that you liked of Yab-Yum is from Norbugang lhakhang.

Also the Bhutan book that I'll be sending you comes with a DVD of Bhutanese religious dancing called 'Cham'.

Best regards,

Wafer and Yelena Spiridonova

from Yelena Spiridonova
Matawan, New Jersey

"I think you already have heard a lot of kind words about your products and I’m just another happy user of your Plume softboxes.

"The very first time I purchased my first Wafer Plume 200 I thought that this softbox can do miracles. At that time I did not have “normal” (in terms of professional photography) light and was forced to use very cheap Britek strobes and I was really amazed with results: the shadows was smooth and pleasant. I was so happy to have this softbox that I decided to buy another one. So, now I’m a proud owner of four of your softboxes – Plume 200, Plume 100, Plume 75, and Plume Hexoval 100.

"Gary, thank you for your kind offer to send me the wands. I really appreciate it. Just my lucky day.

"I want to show you one picture from my very first photoshoot with your Wafer 200, please see attachment.

"Thank you again,
Yelena Spiridonova.

"P.S. my daughter is proud user of your softboxes too. This May she will graduate from School of Visual Arts with Bachelor in Fine Art in Photography."